Wednesday, February 08, 2006

When is a diet not a diet?

I have read that I need to make a serious lifestyle change in order to lose weight and keep it off. So strictly speaking I am not on a diet I have just chosen a healthier lifestyle. I guess I'm just trying to get the right mindframe about all this. Positive thinking and motivation go hand in hand.

I know I shouldn't have, but this morning I couldn't resist hopping on the scales (no not literally, the truth is I only stepped onto them) but I did find that I've lost a pound, which was pleasing. Must not let myself do this again though because it's not the actual number of my weight I'm interested in, it's how I feel and how my clothes fit. There's nothing more depressing than feeling slimmer and then getting on the scales to see that you've lost a grand total of nothing.

I'm off for a meal tonight with some of the girls from my old workplace. We always have a giggle when we get together. I've been training my mind all day so that when I pick up the menu I will only notice the healthy options. If I don't even see that I could have a scrumptious sounding rich chocolate cake with chocolate sauce then there won't be a problem will there! Oh wouldn't that be cool if you really could train your mind like that? If you could block thoughts just like you can spam filter and block unwanted emails? When I'm at work I wouldn't let myself think about how great it would be to snuggled back in bed, and when I'm snuggling up in bed I won't let a single work thought into my head. Bliss!

Words written last night: 0
No I am not proud of this. Although I did read through my latest chapter yesterday trying to get back into it and I was actually impressed, there are problems with it and it will need a lot of reworking. But I can't let myself start editing. I really think the key to getting this done will be to get the first draft finished and then go back and rework.

Obviously with going out I won't get any words done tonight either. And as it's now the 8th Feb and I haven't done any of the 20,000 words for this month - I'm going to have to do 2,000 one day and then 1,000 every other day for the rest of the month. Way to go Emma!

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