Friday, February 17, 2006

On the right path

I went to ask restaurant on Wednesday night with my boyfriend.

I spent a good few minutes looking at the menu wondering whether to have a starter and a main or a main and a dessert. A low fat starter such as olives, followed by a healthy tomato based pasta seemed like the best idea. But they do a lovely Del Figone pizza with Gorgonzola and I was really tempted to have that. I'd estimate that to be around 12 Weight Watcher points, so where did that leave me for dessert? Up chocolate creek without a spoon, that's where.

So what did I do? I skipped starter and had the pizza. Then my boyfriend had a chocolate cake, and I had...nothing. Yes you heard it first: the fat girl chose being slim over a cheesecake!

I felt very saintly but you know the annoying thing about wanting to lose about 3 stones is that it's a long and slow process. Even after skipping a cheesecake on a night out I did not wake up the next morning 3 stone lighter, even though I think it would be perfectly fair.

I'm sad to say that despite my sneaky weigh-ins all week I am still the same as on Monday. I've just got to lose at least 1 lb this week.

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