Thursday, February 23, 2006

Instant weight loss...

...Does not exist, I know that. Oh how I wish it did. But there's that old cliche "You didn't put the weight on overnight, so you can't expect to lose it overnight!"
- Maybe not but you know I had fun putting that weight on. I ate chocolate and doughnuts and ice-cream and cookies.

Ah, but didn't I eat a cookie the other night? Yes. Am I going to lose weight again this week? Yes. So you can have your cookie and lose weight? Err....yes, but you know it helps if it's Weight Watcher cookies you're eating.

For lunch today I had my age-old mid-menstrual cycle craving for grated cheddar on a baguette with salt & vinegar crisps. Honestly, smack bang mid cycle up it pops at least every other month. But what does that lunch spell to you? FAT FAT FAT.

So how to cope? I went to Sainsbury's and bought a small baguette (about 8 inches), some low fat grated cheese and a packet of walkers salt & vinegar. When I returned to the office I cut off half of the baguette including the 2 ends, and using about a handful of the cheese I made my 3 inch baguette roll. Then I pointed it all. It came to 8 points.

A lot for a lunch yes, but for dinner I am having pasta and a low point tomato based sauce which is only around 5 points.

I almost can't believe I actually cut the baguette up and threw it away. Yes I'm sure there are people out there who would think me stupid to eat a baguette when I'm trying to lose weight, but I know me, and I know how this is the actions of a changing woman!

You can eat whatever you like, just lower your portion sizes.

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