I'm going to my local Optimax branch - which is Ipswich - on the 24th April. It's only a consultation but I'm already excited. Oh but what if it turns out I'm not suitable for treatment because my cornea's are too thin / thick or, I don't know, they find out I have some rare genetic thing which means I'm destined to wear glasses for the rest of my life? That would be awful. Fingers crossed I'm an 'elligible candidate'.
It could have been as soon as this Wednesday, but as the consultant advised me I wouldn't be able to drive home afterwards because of the solution they put in my eyes I need my boyfriend to come with me. He also wants to be there to be sure I'm not going to just get all excited at the prospect of not wearing glasses or contacts, and be blind to any general dodginess of the place. Yes that was intentional use of the word blind. No I am not thinking about going blind.
Tell someone you're thinking of having laser eye surgery and what's the first thing they say? "Oh I couldn't do that, I'd be scared of going blind!" Do you know anything about laser eye surgery and the chances of blindness? "No, but going blind, that's a scary thought?" So is getting run over by a bus but it doesn't stop me crossing roads. You get the idea.
The consultant asked me if I wanted to book my surgery for the same day, but I opted out because if I have epi lasek I believe I'll need to book a week off work to allow for my eyes to be of driving and computer work standard.
Questions I will be asking the Optimax consultant:
- Which would I personally be most suited for - epi lasek or LASIK surgery?
- The success rate for my prescription on either surgery (my prescription is -2 sphere and -2 cylinder in my right, -4 sphere in my left)
- The recovery rate
- The length of time before driving
- The length of time before vdu work (I have read that near vision can take longer to recover, particularly with epi lasek treatment)
- The risks of complication (yes, that does include blindness)
And others which I have yet to think of but will post on this blog later....
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